When looking for a service provider, we encourage you to speak directly to the clinician who will be assessing and developing an intervention plan for your child. There is no one pathway or clinical approach when working with individuals with ASD. It is critical for caregivers and clinicians to understand each other and work together to benefit the child. It is important to us at Ascent Clinical Services that you feel heard, that you are an active part of your child’s learning, and that you are taught to use the tools to support your child to be their most successful self.
As “no man is an island”, no profession is an island. Throughout our careers, we have been fortunate to have worked with many wonderful speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists, teachers, educational assistants, early childcare educators, paediatricians, and more. We are happy to work as part of a team of clinical experts to address your goals and the unique needs of your child.
Interprofessional Collaboration
Individual Journey
Just as we appreciate the role and expertise of the family and other professionals, we respect the right of the individual to have their own pathway as they grow. We recognize and encourage that intervention is not a long-term replacement for a person to participate in meaningful and natural aspects of life. Every individual has the right to be a part of their family and household, to attend school or work in a productive way, and to participate in hobbies, extracurricular activities and community events. Our approach focuses not only on teaching new skills to the individual and their caregivers, but on adapting the environment to support the skills that person already has.